Monday, 2 June 2014

Scatter terrain, a bus and some late arrivals..

The first batch of scatter terrain from Timecast Models is painted up, there was a few more air bubbles than I originally spotted but I Think they turned out quite all right anyway.

Judge for yourselves:

Some of the pieces ended up better than others, the blue oil-drums being a particular unexpected favorite.. The green ones look too faded in the photos, but it looks better IRL.

First of the GZG Shuttlebuses was finshed at the same time;

Quite pleased how this one turned out, next one will probably be painted in a more muted color though..

Finally we have the late arrivals:

The last of the Union infantry sections, as well as some more Warg mercs. A group of elites ranger-types and the transport buggies the Merc often use for raids and peacekeeping-work.
The lighter armor allows the buggies increased speed, something they might need for their next assignment!

Thats all the 6mm for the moment, but more to come of course!

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