Friday, 3 April 2015

3rd game of Starstrike

During this playtest game of Starstrike I finally got to use the gaming tiles I recently finished, along with some rules for Psionics.

For this game I switched out most of the models used in previous games, and went for 2 entirely different forces:


Cultist brothers 5 models
Sp    5
Su    4
Tr     4
Mo  7
Di    4
Ld   1
1 shotgun, 3 assault rifles and 1 SAW

Cultist Touched 5 models
Sp    5
Su    5
Tr     5
Mo  7
Di    4
Ld   2
5 pistols, 4 armed with mutated limbs (count as knife) and one with a claw mutation (power gauntlet)

Maidens 3 models
Sp    5
Su    5
Tr     4
Mo  7
Di    4
Ld   1
Brawler and sprint skill on all 3, all of them carried only a chainsword

The psion & her bodyguard

Kelly (Psion)
Sp    5
Su    4
Tr     4
Mo  8
Di    4
Psi   5
Carries a pistol

Sp    5
Su    5
Tr     6
Mo  6
Di    5
Ld   2
Doc is a hero and carries a shotgun

Doc's dogs 4 models
Sp    5
Su    5
Tr     5
Mo  6
Di    5
Lead by Doc, carries 1 pistol, 2 assault rifles and 1 sniper rifle

Adventurers  4 models
Sp    5
Su    5
Tr     5
Mo  6
Di    5
Ld   1
2 assault rifles, 1 smg, 1 shotgun

Kelly, a recently discovered Psion, needed to get the hell out of Dodge. Some crazy cultists were after her, for purposes unknown but probably bad. She had hired a local man called Doc and his men, along with a rag-tag band of adventurers to help her escape her hideout, a small spaceport.

The Cultists had gotten wind of her location, and they flooded in to the building. Now they just had to shoot their way through..

 The spaceport at the beginning of the game.
Kelly need to reach the car in the lower right corner.

Both sides starts to shuffle through the corridors, vary of any enemies that might appear.

Not given to caution, the cultists make for the sector that Kelly was last reported seen in.

Suddenly some of the adventurers break into the open space, guns trained on the maidens.
One maiden goes heads down, but otherwise they are unscathed by the incoming fire.

 Kelly and Doc tries to take the long way around, going for the corridor running along the right side of the building, while their comrades hold the cultists at bay. It doesn't take long for the maidens to reach their prey however, and the revving of chainblades can be heard, along with screams as to men fall.

Spurred to greater feats of marksmanship than ususal, the surviving adventurers pin down the maidens, even if they at first fail to wound them.
 It doesn't take long before a bullet finds it's mark however, felling the first of the cults numbers.  

Poking his head out was a bad idea it turns out, as Doc gets shot in the face for his troubles.
 The cultist made a  1 in a 100 shot, hitting and dispatching the hero on the first try. Ouch..

Doc's dogs take their first stress marker, having just lost their leader doesn't help morale.
The cult is closing in on all fronts, making this a desperate situation for our poor psion.

Luckily, they are bad shots, and no more fall prey to them, at least for now.
Start of turn 4
 A bold move by the dogs is rewarded with death, as a cultist slashes his throat.

Shots are flying left and right, and both cultists and more adventurers, along with one more dog goes down.

Kelly uses her powers for for the first time, trying to boost her deadlyness in meleé, but she fails to control her power.

She charges anyway, and with a swift kick it's all over. the cultist lies dead at her feet.  

The battle rages on, with both sides at an inpasse.

Lives are traded, as lucky shots makes it through, but for the most part only heads down are inflicted.
 By the 7th turn only a few of Kelly's bodyguard remain, fighting desperately for their lives in the cargo bay.
 Kelly herself sneaks arond the right flank, hoping to make her escape thanks to her guards sacrifice. But there is a cult member moving for her at that moment..

Another cultist fall to the struggling remnant, even as their charge moves closer and closer to danger..

Kelly is surprised when the cultist rounds the corner, but not unprepared. Grabbing hold of her power, and focusing it into a point, she uses it as a blade to Close with and cleave her foe in two. This time her powers do not fail her..   

Just as the cultist fall, so does her last protector.
But they have bought her enough time, she is free, for another day at least.. 
Kelly is victorious, she manages to escape, if at a heavy cost.

It was a totally unexpected outcome, the cultists took out all but one enemy. Ultimately a fun game with many twists and a good cinematic feel.


  1. Thought I had already commented here but anyways, brutal game :-)
    Looks like psionics are working out well and the feel is spot-on for what I intended.

  2. Looks great! Love those tiles.
