Sunday, 12 October 2014

Stand by for drop

It has taken longen than it should have, but I have finally finished my Corbal Hardpoint!

It was fun to paint, with lots of different details, panels and such. I think I spent more time trying to decide what panels to color white than I did actually painting them! 

Now that the Galactic Marines have their deployable sky tower, I best get to work on their tanks, since they just arrived!

Hope you've liked it!


  1. THat's a wicked cool model. Digging the blue scheme as well. Very striking.

    1. It really is a nice model, thank you for the kind words!

  2. Superb stuff and really like the colour scheme. I must confess to being pot off by mine simply because I can't decide which panels to paint which colour - I'll probably go for a majority white look like the Ion Age website but your posting shows it looks awesome painted in blue... decisions decisions :-) Looking forward to your postings on the tanks and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thank you! Don't worry too much about the panels, I found it looks good as long as you get a couple.. If you're going mostly white you're a braver man (and probably a better painter) than me!
      My only advice as far as color schemes go is really simple; Go with colors you like, it's Space Opera after all!
